Get the Home Loan You Deserve

If you're buying a property we can help. Urban residential, lifestyle, bare land, even commercial.
There can be many pitfalls when buying a property, especially for first homebuyers. We can help you navigate through the maze, from liaising with your Real Estate Agent to helping you understand the process end to end, including KiwiSaver withdrawals and Governmental first home buyer subsidies.
You may even qualify for a second chance KiwiSaver withdrawal, it's worth looking into.
Funding the construction of a new home can be daunting, but it doesn't need to be.
Our experience is key here, having put in place lending for literally hundreds of new homes in the last 25 years.
We will go through the house under construction lending process with you step by step, to help you understand it all and ensure no surprises along the way.

When your fixed rate is due to expire, we can take the legwork out of dealing with your bank or loan provider and negotiate on your behalf. This will ensure your current provider does their best to retain your business once they've got it.
Alternatively, if you are looking to refinance we can provide options and a structure that suit your individual requirements, and find a loan provider to give you the best deal available.
Some people dream of being debt free. We can help you make it happen.
We can show you several ways to help you repay your home loan faster. Some of these are very simple, yet rarely discussed by the banks. Others are slightly more complicated, yet can be so effective they make the effort worthwhile.
Often it's simply a matter of small changes that can have a big effect over time and save you thousands of dollars in interest costs.

We can help you understand and work with Reserve Bank of New Zealand lending restrictions
You may need to seek professional advice to confirm ownership and lending structure, however we can generally point you in the right direction so you have some idea and understanding of the options beforehand.
Dealing with us continues to ensure the banks provide the best deal possible for your circumstances.
Home improvements, debt consolidation, weddings, special events, vehicles - including classic cars, Camper Vans, Caravans.  Many of these items are best financed over short term as they depreciate rapidly.  Any term longer than five years means you are paying interest long after the asset has gone!
Talk to us as we can often help - we have access to personal lending with several different lenders at competitive rates & usually a quick response.  Often a personal loan, if approved, can be settled within a matter of days.